Monday, September 5, 2016

Instant photo printing from your phone is here!

Sooo long time no see..but today I came across something on facebook that I had to share! :)

Check this out


Monday, November 23, 2015


Polaroid snap - camera with no display - printing right away :)

 Christmas is coming!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Print it or loose it!

So..long time no see! I´ve been crazy busy with starting my own business so I didn´t have time to post here..hell I even forgot I had a blog :D BUT here is something to think about..

You all probably use digital cameras (or phones like me) to make your precious moments last forever..but is it forever really if you just save it or upload it to some storage box? Who knows when there will be collapse of the network and one day everything might dissapear..

Don´t be sad though! It´s time to print it :)

Solution No. 1

Now you have thousands of pictures and you don´t even know where to start? Just take one precious photo of each month of last year and make yourself an album consisting of just 12 photos every year. That´s the least you can do to have a good night sleep :))

I do that every year since 5 years ago I use awesome colorful sticky photo corners grap couple of markers and have fun! TIP: nice couple activity too :)

Solution No. 2

Take all the photos from your holidays and make a book out of it! Or magazine if you don´t have that many :) There are loads of online shops where you just download an app put your pics together play with some design and order it. And voilá you have awesome book of memories :)

Solution No. 3

Start using Fujifilm Instax or this guy and make photos instantly!

Hope this was a help :)

Have a nice day y´all!


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hobbies, jobs and others

So as you can see I wasn´t really active on this blog this past year so let me tell you more about myself and the stuff that keeps me busy! I consider myself very creative person in many different ways (mostly art).

So my hobby as you know is collecting (and using) Lomo, Polaroid and Instax cameras. I really love this but sometimes it has to go aside because I have more stuff I need to concentrate on :)

First of all I paint/draw and it was always my dream to have an exhibition so year 2014 was THE year! I managed to have two exhibitions (both in Prague cafés) I set up my facebook page  and also my portfolio on tumblr (instead of my old one) it all made my happy but I knew this thing will be not easy to do for living (understand:to make enough money to live from:)

At the same time I felt burned out at my current job as an Office manager and even though I got a big (money wise) offer I had to refuse because I felt like it´s the time to start my own thing and do something creative.

So we come to my second hobby - which is now the thing I do for living - and that is designing and restoring old furniture. I started alterations in 2014 and really wanted to go big but I didn´t have enough time, space and money to do so. Then year 2015 started and by a happy coincidence (let´s say) I found online a person who saw my furniture, loved it and decided he wants to be part of it.
And that´s how we started our business! We bought all supplies and materials and I created first samples of furniture which we now sell here under the name Pink Robin! We also launched our facebook page.

I can´t tell you if this will work (yet) but I can tell you I´m 100% happy and I feel like I´m  ALIVE!

P.S. do something you love for living! or at least try it because it´s better to try and fail then never try at all (horrible cliché but true!)

Analog photo booth finally in Prague!

So I´ve always been a huge fan of instant photos (obviously :)) and I always wanted to go to that magical box where it takes four pics of you (each different). I knew there was nothing like that in Prague couple of years ago so I actually tried it first time in San Francisco and I loved it! 
I wished it was here too and my dreams came true finally last year when I found out someone actually installed this Fotoautomat in Prague! I was very happy and had to try it..and wasn´t disappointed! Awesome black and white strip with four (crazy in my case) faces :) 
All that fun for only 50czk/2bucks/1,50eur!

If you´re from Prague (or visiting) go to Vinohradská 111/109, Prague 3 /UPDATE: this photobooth is moving around Prague so just follow the facebook page to find out where it is currently:)/
Make sure to like their facebook page too!


(That is not me:)

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Black Friday!! LOMOGRAPHY discounts

Hello everyone, I know I´ve been neglecting this blog but since I have another big passion this had to be put aside :(

BUT..I´ve got good news for you! Go quick here to get awesome discount on all kinds of Lomo cameras :)


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Washi tape

Very nice tip how to make your instax/polaroid pics even nicer :)