Thursday, March 5, 2015

Analog photo booth finally in Prague!

So I´ve always been a huge fan of instant photos (obviously :)) and I always wanted to go to that magical box where it takes four pics of you (each different). I knew there was nothing like that in Prague couple of years ago so I actually tried it first time in San Francisco and I loved it! 
I wished it was here too and my dreams came true finally last year when I found out someone actually installed this Fotoautomat in Prague! I was very happy and had to try it..and wasn´t disappointed! Awesome black and white strip with four (crazy in my case) faces :) 
All that fun for only 50czk/2bucks/1,50eur!

If you´re from Prague (or visiting) go to Vinohradská 111/109, Prague 3 /UPDATE: this photobooth is moving around Prague so just follow the facebook page to find out where it is currently:)/
Make sure to like their facebook page too!


(That is not me:)

1 comment:

  1. Oh můj bože tak to byl můj sen taky :D v životě jsem to nezkusila a vždycky chtěla... super o tom vědět :).
