Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lomo 135 bc

My tough soviet friend ladies and gentlemen!

Name : Lomo 135BC
Born : 1975 in St Petersburg
Film : 35mm
Status : Old but working (I make ugly blurred pictures)

The spring mechanism of this camera allows you to shoot 8 pictures in a row without rewinding. So you just go and click! click! click! like a paparazzi ;)

As most of my cams I won this one on the e-auction (funny how the word "win" sounds like I got it for free - which I didn't :)) and I received this cold russian guy below..BUT being my creative self I modified him a bit :)
So it went from this.. THIS!

I spy!

If I compare it to my other Lomo - ActionSampler - it is not toyish at all. Maybe just a bit :) The whole metal construction makes it much heavier and also colder. At the moment I'm almost done with the first film and I will have the result soon.

los lomos

Interesting fact : Lomo was originally made for spy games and international espionage!

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