Monday, January 21, 2013

Polaroid Land Camera 1000

This week I will write a bit about cameras I have and I will start with the first one I got.
A.k.a : OneStep
Born : 1976
Film : SX-70 integral film
Status : I work when I want to work

This Polaroid was my dream ever since I saw it in american movies (never in real life). I don't remember  anyone around me having it (please understand - I am a 90's kid and in Czechoslovakia it wasn't that popular or too expensive to get at that time). I got this grandpa through e-auction for not that much - but here is the kicker - film for these polaroids is quite expensive! You can buy some old expired ones (on ebay) which can get you nice effect or buy a new one for example here. I myself am quite "saving" my film since I had troubles with the red button and four pics came out without warning! So I didn't use it since then :)
Here is what I've done to those "bad" pictures..
Tip : This one has a removable flash on the top and it's not always part of a "deal" so be careful coz I think the flash is important here - despite the fact it makes it a big monster!

Sometimes I wish I could live in 80s , 90s where film was so cheap you could take as much pictures as you do today with digital cam :)

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